Featured Member MasoMutt leaves us wanting more

Featured Member MasoMutt leaves us wanting more

from Recon News

31 March 2016

We've had a great time getting to know MasoMutt, March's Featured Member, but now it's time for his reign to end.

We asked him for some final words on his experience. Here's what he had to say:

"Thanks Recon for an amazing month. It has been fun to say the least. I look forward to the year and getting to meet many other Recon members at events. I'm hoping I'll get lucky and get some one on one time with some of the hot members I've chatted with in the past month. Should you ever make it to Philadelphia, there's a dog you can reach out to. Stay the kinky hot fucks you are."

I'm pretty certain we'll be hearing more from MasoMutt soon, but for now it's goodbye. Thanks for being a great Featured Member!

If you'd like to apply to be Featured Member, send your Recon username to: social@recon.com