February’s Featured Member Andyboi opens up

February’s Featured Member Andyboi opens up

from Recon News

15 February 2016

We caught up with Featured Member Andyboi and asked him some questions to get an idea of who he is and where his fetish tastes lie:

Recon: Hi Andyboi.
We met you at our recent photo shoot for new Recon Store gear. How did you enjoy the shoot? Have you done much fetish modelling before?

Andyboi: I really enjoyed it as it was a great laugh. I have done a bit in the past and some fashion bits for other companies. Probably my first shoot in about 2 or 3 years now.

R: Well, you did well!
How long have you been into fetish gear? How did you get into it?

Ab: For as long as I can remember I've always been a dirty minded little so and so. But I only started wearing rubber when I was about 21. I love the way it feels and even the smell of it.

R: Where do your fetish tastes lean?

Ab: Definitely towards rubber, sportswear and underwear - mainly jockstraps.
In the bedroom I'm more of a 50/50 guy. I always get asked if I'm dom or passive but I really just let the mood take me. I can be a massive dom or completely passive. It always depends of the other guy or guys haha.

R: Leaves you with more options that way.
What is it you like about rubber and sportswear?

Ab: Best thing about rubber is feeling it on another guy when he's against you! Nothing better if you ask me. I must just love jocks and sportswear because I always liked the chavy looking guys that hung around my high school. They looked a bit rough and ready, if you get what I mean.

R: Yeah, we certainly do.
Where in the world can guys find you? What's the fetish scene like there?

Ab: London. Also known as the best city in the world! Haha I'm always out at Full Fetish, Hardon, XXL and other Recon events like Fetish Week London. There's a good scene here, but I think it would be a little better with a few more regular weekly club nights.

R: So you attend many fetish events?

Ab: As many as I can fit around rugby and work.

R: What do you like about Full Fetish London?

Ab: I've been to the last few over the years and really enjoy them. Everyone's out to have a good night and you meet loads of interesting guys. Also as they are big events, you get more people making an effort with the fetish gear. It's a feast for the eyes!

R: Will you be attending FWL2016 in July? If so, which events you aiming to attend?

Ab: I'm going to try and attend as many as I can. I still need to organize things with my little group of fetish friends.

R: Have you been to any fetish events around the world? Do you have any favourites, or are there some you'd like to experience?

Ab: I went to Maspalomas Fetish Week in Gran Canaria last year. My friend won Mr Fetish GC 2015. It was my first fetish event outside the UK and I really enjoyed it. I would love to try the US next and see what's on offer.

R: How long have you been a member of Recon for?

Ab: That's a question! I would say on and off for about 8 years now.

R: Have you had many kinky adventures?

Ab: More than I can remember! Done almost everything in the book. From outside to parties and even in a Spanish orange grove.

R: Are there any members you'd like to give a shout out to, friends or otherwise?

Ab: Only my friend FFistme he's a really good friend of mine.

R: He's a hot guy!
And finally, if there's anything you'd like to say to our members, now's your chance.

Ab: I'm single!!!! Hahaha Also if anyone wants to hit me up for going to more events feel free as I want to get out more and more now.

R: I'm sure you'll get plenty of takers.
Thanks Andyboi for being our February Featured member.