IMPORTANT NEWS: New Recon homepage is coming

IMPORTANT NEWS: New Recon homepage is coming

from Recon News

26 September 2016

We've created something new for you on Recon. A feature that's going to heighten your experience and change the way you interact with the men you crave.

Soon, when you log in to Recon, you're going to see a different page – this is your new Home. You'll be able to see things like news items, articles, videos, event listings, photos and updates from your Friends and Favourites appearing all in one place.

The new Homepage will be available on web, iOS and Android around the world from next week.

If you can't see the new Homepage on your mobile device once it's gone live, make sure you're using the latest version of the app. If you still can't see it, you will need to logout and log back in again.

Home is almost here. Keep watching this space!