Time to get to know MasoMutt, March’s Featured Member. Part 1

Time to get to know MasoMutt, March’s Featured Member. Part 1

from Recon News

15 March 2016

Our Featured Member for March, MasoMutt, has a wide range of tastes in fetish and kink. We checked in with him to get to know him a little bit more.

Recon: Hi MasoMutt. How's it going?

MasoMutt: I'm well, thanks for asking.

R: How you enjoying being Featured Member so far? Have you had a good response from guys?

MM: It's been amazing to say the least, and quite humbling. I've gotten many positive responses from people who identify with me in some way. I've been happy to get to as many messages as I can. I honestly have never gotten this kind of attention.

R: That's great to hear.
How long have you been a member of Recon?

MM: I uhhhhhhh, can't say I remember when I signed up, so….4+ years ago?

R: Have you had many adventures on the site/apps?

MM: I have. I even met some of my earliest play partners on the site.

R: When would you say you first started getting a taste for fetish/kink?

MM: I started pretty young. I got hired to my first adult fetish/sex store, called the Pleasure Place in DC, when I was 17. I was still in high school then, but that's the earliest I was able to actually process and understand my sexual inclinations. I remember immediately taking to the kink/fetish manuals. I also bought my first piece of leather there, I still have it today. Before that point I had a lot interests, (e.g. wanting to be a dog for another person, wanting to hurt or be hurt by people I was into) but I just thought something was wrong with me. So, you can imagine my relief when I discovered there are many people like me. Telling your friends you're into men is one thing, telling them you want to do fucked up things to them is another. Lol.

R: Agreed!
What are your favourite types of fetish gear and why?

MM: At this point, I'm pretty much a rubber slut. I get high off the smell, love the way it feels on my body, and feel immediately sexual and strong in it. I even wear it under my clothes some days. Other than that, I will always love boots.

R: Do you have favourite types of gear on other guys? If so, why these?

MM: Hm. The key here is the way you carry it. I know some people that could put on a plastic bag and you'd drool. So, though I am naturally attracted to the rubber clad or other pups, it only takes the right presence and energy to pull my attention. I'm not a guy with many hang ups. I've experienced being on the other end of that too much.

R: Where in the world can guys find you? What's the scene like there?

MM: I am a part of an amazing community here in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the US. It is a large area of coverage from my hometown in Washington DC up to New York. The region has a lot going on. The scene here is comprised of many leather clubs and fetish organizations that do a lot of work to support the greater community. It would take me a list a mile long to name all the amazing play spaces, clubs, stores, events, bars, non-profits, and other venues to give you an adequate perspective of it all. But should you ever make it to the Mid-Atlantic Region I'll surely do my best to get you where you want to be, or perhaps where you didn't think you wanted to go. =)

R: That's an offer that'd be hard to refuse!

[Interview concludes in Part 2]