UPDATE: Recon takes on the spammers

UPDATE: Recon takes on the spammers

from Recon Support

07 June 2016

As with most modern social sites and apps, in recent years Recon and our members have been targeted by spammers.

We have a zero tolerance policy for spammers, and for many years we've been developing different ways to beat them. These techniques have had to change and adapt over time, though, as the battle is ongoing, and there's no single quick fix solution.

We are happy to report, though, that following some new measures that have been installed in the past few months, the number of spammers on our services have dropped dramatically.

We've introduced extra layers to our signup process, that makes it more difficult for spammers to create accounts in the first place. We've also established a 24-hour response team that is constantly searching for suspicious accounts; using an extensive list of indicators they are able to stop spammers before they have a chance to harass our members. These measures are greatly paying off, and we're starting to turn the tide.

As long as there are people who believe they can make easy money from the unsuspecting, there will unfortunately always be spammers. Let us assure you, though, that we will continue to do all that we can to stop them on Recon, and make our services as spam free as possible.