A chat with Matt Spike, the amazing photographer behind the #FWL2015 images

A chat with Matt Spike, the amazing photographer behind the #FWL2015 images

from Recon News

19 May 2015

Over the past month or so you might have seen the imagery we're using to promote #FWL2015. We're incredibly proud of how these images have turned out, and we're particularly grateful that we managed to get such an amazing photographer as Matt Spike to do them. Here's what Matt had to say when we chatted about this project and his work.

Recon: Hi Matt. What work have you been creating of late?

Matt Spike: Late last year, the British government changed the laws relating to the production of BDSM porn. This has impacted my photography in the sense that it has limited what I can show in my photographs. So I have begun creating a series of videos and photos that gently change these laws. My intention is not outright rebellion but just to highlight hypocrisy and stupidity that these laws represent.

Recon: Sounds like a good cause.
How do you think the FWL2015 shoot went?

Matt Spike: As usual the Fetish Week London project was a joy to work on. This year we decided to go all out on an entirely new concept which I was thrilled about. The use of dark shadows and neo-noir styling is something that I've been wanting to do for a long time, and was greatly influenced by the work of Philippe Merie.

Recon: Are you happy with the images, and do you have a favourite?

Matt Spike: I'm extremely happy with the way that the images have worked out, and my favourite shot of all is the Full Fetish shot, with Daniel and Yoshi in front of the famous (or should I say infamous) Goding Street arches.

Recon: Yes! That shot looks incredible!
How do you feel about your WE Fetish Nomination?

Matt Spike: I'm really happy about the WE Fetish nomination. I was nominated last year and to be asked to submit this year was an honour. I'm thrilled that my pieces are up in a gallery in Rome. One of the pieces in fact features one of the models from the FWL2015 photo shoot, Luca Gatti.

Recon: We thought he looked familiar!
How would you say your art has progressed since you spoke to us last year?

Matt Spike: I would say that my work has taken an even darker tone in some respects since I spoke to you at the last Fetish Week. I still enjoy all of the twisted and beautifully grotesque things about fetish photography, but this past year (2014) I decided to explore some less frothy angles and produced a series of letters relating to chem sex. These were exhibited in London in August last year.

If you'd like to check out more work by Matt, go to his new Facebook by selecting the below link. You can also keep up to date on what he has going on through his Twitter.