COMPETITION: The Sports Fetish Olympics

COMPETITION: The Sports Fetish Olympics

from Recon News

09 August 2016

The Olympics are here, and we thought we'd use this as an opportunity for a little friendly, global competition.

For the duration of the games, we want members to submit pics of them in sports gear, as well as the name of their home country. It can be whatever sports gear you're into – it doesn't need to be an Olympic event.

A selection of the pics will be posted on Recon's social sites - where you can support your home country (or any other entrant) with a 'like'.

We'll select Bronze, Silver and Gold winners at the end of the games. Each winner will receive the following amount of Recon premium membership:

Bronze - three months
Silver - six months
Gold - one year

Submit your pic with your Recon username and your home country to:

We'll notify you via email if you're one of the three winners, as well as announce on social media.

Let the games begin!