Featured Member Kenf fills us in

Featured Member Kenf fills us in

from Recon News

22 July 2016

We've talked to Kenf about FWL, now we get to know him a little bit better.

Tell us about how you got into fetish?

I joined Recon a lifetime ago as a novice fetishist. Underwear was just a part of my daily life and something most folk wore, so it wasn't an overly Fetishised Fetish. In Uni I started "Finding myself". I stopped caring about what others thought and started doing what made me happy; being who I wanted to be. I also started to have a bit more fun with what I'd get up to. While researching more into the artist Robert Mapplethorp I came across his X Collection, and wow! I suddenly discovered that there was a lot more to life than just cotton and missionary-esque sex. It started snowballing from a social meet where I tried on a guy's rubber vest, and within a few days had already bought my first piece of gear online. My involvement really began to grow when I finished Uni and had more time and money to travel. I also started working for the guys at Latex101, doing some social and graphics work, and going around the country with them - working at fairs and wearing Latex all day long. It was a really hard job, but the reward was meeting loads of great people, of all kin and creed, with one common interest - fetish.

Tell us what fetish and kink mean to you?

It started out being this taboo thing I hid from my parents and everyone else. Coming from a small village with a very closed mindset, where anything different is seen as "wrong", it was tough for me to even come to terms with being gay, never mind being a kinky fucker... But as time has gone on, and my confidence with gear and attendance at events grows, so does my "Who the fuck cares" mindset. It's through this community of excellent people from all around the world that I've finally felt comfortable in myself.

I work in mainstream fashion these days and often try to work something fetish related into my day to day wear - often encouraged by my colleagues. Nothing's more fun than serving a wee granny on Christmas eve, while you're stood there in a rubber vest, a leather waistcoat and 20-hole boots (A shirt and jeans too btw!) ... Or that might just be me.

Tell us what's your main interest on Recon? Tell us about your other fetish tastes?

How long have you got? When I first joined Recon I was flipping between the Suits/Tattoo categories, but then after a while I settled on the Muscle. For me it's the category most open to appreciation, and accessible to those who are and those who are not completely stacked. For some it's probably seen as a body builders/ Muscle Mary only kind of scene. But it's muscle. Everyone has them, so why can't everyone be included. And it's a category full of confidence which is a major turn on for me. You can find a guy like me who's trim and in shape, but owns it. And that's hotter than a rippling set of abs any day. Like who can keep that up and eat cake with me.

But my interests are wide and varied. Muscle, Suits, (Good fitting) Underwear, Lycra, Leather, Latex, Bikers, Bears, Dilfs... I'm an equal opportunist for all. (Oh and good teeth…are good teeth a fetish or just me being odd?)

Tell us about your favourite fetish locations?

I consider Manchester my fetish local, and I'm very happy to this fact! It's home to The Manchester Rubbermen, who hold various events throughout the year. Their biggest event is MRM weekend in Spring, which is a lovely time - loads of hot friendly welcoming guys and then there's the residents of Manchester too... I refer to MRM as a Clan meeting, as it's a big event but it's intimate enough to get to know everyone, and by the end it practically feels like family. Geartunes on the Sunday night is the best mindfuck in existence. The best way to end any weekend! They also run various fund raisers - such as Porno Bingo with the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence - to help a local charity/cause and to give back to the community. Although there's no point in trying to win any of the good prizes at the Porno Bingo or the gear raffle. Mine. All mine. Two years in a row. Let's see if I can make it a threesome next year!

Tell us what you go for in a fetish guy?

Confidence. Someone who is as comfortable in their own skin as they are in head to toe gear, open to ideas and have plenty of their own. And eyes, not just having them, obviously, but beautiful eyes and nice teeth. These are probably the first two things I'll check out on a guy before heading straight to the thighs.

A fully stocked Kink collection is also always a plus... more so if it's in my size.

Tell us where guys can see you?

Twitter (@kenflaw). Various events thought out the year. #MRM8, Alert!, Hotwired.

There's also a lovely spot in the garden, covered and secluded, usually inhabited by foxes with a good view of my room, and the foxes are pretty friendly. Most of the time. Just bring earplugs for mating season, or for if I'm in the shower.

Tell us how to take the perfect selfie?

Tits and teeth. Tits. And. Teeth.
And good lighting is always key!
And good underwear.
And a fresh cup of coffee.
And a freshly made bed.
And a funny/serious face.
And a clean mirror.
And a tidy location.
But most of all, own it. The camera captures more than just what can be seen. Emotion can be a pretty good feature too, so if you're confident in yourself and the selfie it'll show through.

Recon: Thanks for the top tip, Kenf!