Folsom Europe and PiG Berlin 2012 photos have been uploaded to the past events gallery.

Folsom Europe and PiG Berlin 2012 photos have been uploaded to the past events gallery.

from Recon News

15 September 2012

Last Saturday was the Folsom Europe Street Fair and their main party PiG Berlin.

Saturday 08 September thousands of PiGgies descended on the Fuggerstrasse for Europe’s kinkiest Street Fair. Thousands travelled to Schöneberg and walked the streets, raising a few eyebrows and giving a surreal effect to the bustling gay area.

The organisers of the Folsom Europe Street Fair told us “We were happy to see so many people turn out to continue to support the Folsom charity. The Street Fair is good for the fetish scene here and internationally, as well as for the local Schöneberg community and the gay community.”

Later that evening everyone headed to Berlin’s Mitte district for the weekend’s main party event PiG Berlin.

Oswin, the man behind the PiG party said: “The Alte Münze is a fantastic location and over the years we have continued to make improvements to the PiG party. The continued success shows that it’s becoming even more international. It was so much fun watching the little PiGgies happy at play”

The incredible DJ line-up by Binomio, Manuel Carranco, Oliver M and Jack Chang kept the dancefloor sexually charged throughout the night. The sensational vibes could be felt below and added to the grunting and moaning, in the dark underground vaults of the Alte Münze where once the East German Marks were produced and stored.

Check the past events page for photos from the Folsom Street Fair and the PiG Berlin Party and get a taste of what’s to come next year.

Photos by Gus McEwan.