New photo uploader on Recon app makes it easy to update your galleries on the go

New photo uploader on Recon app makes it easy to update your galleries on the go

from Recon News

10 August 2015

We're constantly working to improve our services, and make Recon a better experience for our members. With this in mind we've recently made changes to the ways in which you can upload pictures and edit your galleries on the Recon app.

If you go to the 'Manage Photos' option in the menu you'll see that you can now easily upload pictures to your profile by pressing the '+' symbol. You can either download from your photo library or take a new shot.

If you press the triangle next to the album name a dropdown will give you the option to select the album you want to edit. You can then either add a pic, or if you select the image, you can move it to another album or delete it outright.

If you press the '…' symbol a dropdown will appear and give you options to delete, rename or add galleries.

With these new changes to the app it's going to be even easier to show Recon guys all your best shots, either on your profile or through messages. Getting your latest filth pics on your profile is just a few taps away!