MEMBER INTERVIEW: davidquinx – a young guy on the scene

MEMBER INTERVIEW: davidquinx – a young guy on the scene

from Recon News

26 October 2016

Recon: Hi davidquinx
At 22 you're on the younger end of Recon users. How did you discover us?

davidquinx: Oh that's actually a hard question, I cannot quite remember. I think it was through gearfetish, another website that sadly doesn't exist anymore. In general, just through other sites I saw before. After registering online I then got the app on my phone when I lived in Berlin.

R: What's it like being into fetish in your early 20s?

DQx: It's a lot of fun and I'm very happy that I love rubber and all these other naughty things! It makes me happy every day that I discover more sexy guys around my age that love it too. It's just a super nice bonus that turns me on so much, so keep messaging me please! <3

R: When and how did you discover you had kinky tastes?

DQx: When I was 12 I just randomly saw rubber, Lycra or nylon appearing in different contexts, like posters, magazines, packages of nylon stockings, etc. Other people had an influence with it on me as well. My mum loved her PVC Jeans in bright red. They were quite wide but for testing it was perfect. As well she had her awesome black PVC Jacket which looked so damn shiny and almost like rubber. So much so that I couldn't resist, and would wait until she went to work and play with it ;) She loved Techno and dancing. So yeah, then I got into rubber. Lycra was just a side effect as I played with that a bit more in terms of cycling gear - which is my second super fetish. Rubber will still be the very best of all fetishes, and I cannot resist full coverage gimpsters!

R: Where do your tastes lie? What's your favourite type of gear and why?

DQx: Complete coverage in rubber including gloves, socks and hood, but I do love a hot and sexy young face in black tight rubber. It must be as tight as possible ;) I'm a filmmaker and photographer so I love faces. I love people and human beings. That's in my nature, I guess.

R: What are you keen to experience next?

DQx: I asked myself that question the first time when I was at MRM7 in Manchester, which was fantastic and different to London. I love both communities a lot. I saw awesome bondage shows and adore breath play, vacuum beds and pup outfits a lot. Though pup play is not something I can 100% identify with. I see fetish and rubber more as a hard and sexual factor. I think I'm a tight gimp and fall somewhere between slaves, masters and pups. it's hard to define and depends on other people or my mood.

R: Are your friends into fetish too, or is this something you're discovering for yourself?

DQx: I discovered it for myself. Literally every night, I think ;) I just love watching films haha. But depends how busy I am with projects, fulltime work etc. At the moment I'm a bit busier and my head is just full of stuff! But yeah I've got friends into it; I got in contact with them over Recon or other websites. There's just one guy I keep most contact with and wouldn't want to miss! I would love to have more friends in London in or around my age in general. Fetish would be a cool bonus!

R: In your experience, would you say guys your age are more or less open to fetish and kink?

DQx: Hmm, I think it always depends a bit on the city as well, but there are loads of guys in England or Germany who aren't based in London or Berlin and love it - which is fantastic! I would love to meet more people like that. They are super cute and have great experiences. Since a few years ago, it's changed a lot and fetish is more visible; popstars use it, you see guys at pride as well, etc. Especially in London and Berlin, it's a big thing and I'm happy and proud of having experiences in those cities. Life is just amazing and fun!

R: What do you go for in fetish men?

DQx: Well it really depends. I think I'm a person that can change a lot. Sometimes I prefer someone more quiet, sometimes I need action. In general, though, if you checked some of my work, I love colours, contrast, edgy styles and interesting characters a lot. I love to experiment, and my work will keep changing as well as my personality and my tastes. It's crazy how much I've changed since I moved to London in February. It's a hard question and you can transfer it for many aspects, but there's nothing wrong with a young sexy boy just looking fucking hot in a skintight shiny black suit, socks, gloves. My perfect dream man would be like that, but I prefer someone I really love instead of playing around my whole life. But let's see what life will bring.

R: What is it you like about fetish events?

DQx: Events are just fantastic eye candy and sometimes my hand nearly grabbed something! There are so many nice, friendly and sexy people around in London or other big cities. Especially as a German guy you feel surrounded by 80-90% sexiness! England is a paradise haha. I'm still very young but the endless fight between hookups and relationships won't end. I'm not sure what will happen, which experience you will get or which events to visit. Fetish is a very controversial topic and if you're very into it, it can be quite hard to fully enjoy if your partner is a bit concerned about it.

R: What do you use Recon for?

DQx: I had awesome experiences on here but I always try to keep the rate of meetings with people super low. I just love dates and I think fetish should be a nice bonus, but it really depends on moods. I wouldn't say I'm a nun, so let's have fun and see what life brings! I love to get to know people and if someone still texts me after 2 weeks then a meeting could work ;)

R: And finally, any fun experiences that you'd like to share?

DQx: One of the funniest and also hottest experience was together with two good friends at MRM7. The first night just in the lounge area enjoying our time. I wasn't really relaxed but thinking about it just makes me laugh. If you compare all other people there to us, I think we were the most colourful and nerdy ones haha. I felt quite shy at MRM as well as in London. It's all very new, but I would love to connect with more people! Especially the younger guys. I don't bite!