MEMBER INTERVIEW: leatherwooof

MEMBER INTERVIEW: leatherwooof

from Recon News

14 September 2016

Recon: How long have you been a member of Recon?

Pretty much since the beginning. There are loads of other apps out there but I find that Recon has the edge. For example, Recon guys know how to dress for sex and how to put their fetish on show, and those are horny qualities. These guys are much more in tune with what I'm into. At first I used Recon mostly for hook-ups, but now there is also much more of a social element to it, and I've met many men on Recon who have turned out to be good friends.

R: When did you first get a taste for fetish and kink?

My first taste of kink and fetish actually came in the late 80s when I came across the Frankie goes to Hollywood video for Relax. I loved not only the decadence and debauchery that came across but also Paul Rutherford in his leather jacket and clone look! It wasn't until I moved to London that I went to my first leather bar, the old London Apprentice bar. I was so nervous and spent over an hour outside walking up and down the road opposite until I plucked up the courage to go in. I know now just how many guys out there have a similar experience – too scared or intimidated to go to a kink club. When I met my husband we became regulars out in London at Hoist, Backstreet and HardOn and found them all friendly fun places where we met some of our best friends.

R: Where are you based? What's the fetish scene like there?

We live in South London, not far from Vauxhall. The fetish scene here for many years has been centred around the famous Hoist and the infamous monthly fuck fest HardOn. Also the Eagle bar's leather social night. Elsewhere in London you have Backstreet out East, the fetish club with probably the sleaziest atmosphere. That's about it for London other than the annual parties and Fetish Week London. Doesn't sound a lot, but we are lucky to have a reasonable fetish scene. Of course it's changed a fair bit since I first started to go out in gear.

R: How has the scene changed in the time you've been a part of it?

Many places have closed down or watered down their dress code policy to attract punters. Instead they put off their real target market. It is great, though to see HardOn promoting their monthly nights to a younger crowd, as it is this generation that will keep the fetish scene alive. We might not share their idea of fetish but it is getting them out to the events. They, us, we all enjoy the Recon parties and for myself, as a serious Cigar Daddy, the 'Ignite' nights at Backstreet are always a highlight

R: You held the title of Mr Hoist. What was that experience like?

In 2012 I went in for the Mr Rubber Hoist competition for a laugh and won! I like rubber but my real fetish is leather, so the following year I went in for Mr Hoist and won in 2013 and 2014. Because of this, I got involved in the documentary The Age of Consent, which was premiered in the gay film festival at the BFI in London. 2013 was a great year as, representing the UK, I took part in IML in Chicago and placed top ten. I met a lot of great guys from all over the world and still meet up with them at events. A few months later, I entered the Mr Leather Europe competition held in Italy, and got first runner up. The title has not only helped me get noticed on the scene but also, more importantly, has allowed me to help younger guys onto the scene who are taking their first steps in the kink world. I am always there to answer any questions!

R: Do you like to travel to fetish events around the world? If so, what are some of your favourites?

I love traveling to fetish events and have seen that events in Antwerp and Berlin have become really popular focal points for the fetish world. This year will be my twelfth year at Folsom Berlin, and I love the great mix of fetish and kinks that people bring to this weekend. It has gone from being a full hedonistic event for me to a more social one. I love the street fair and bars. Only recently did I discover Antwerp Leather Pride and have enjoyed it so much that I will be returning next year. I am glad to see that London has now got its own Fetish Week and over the last few years have seen it grown in popularity. I am concerned however that the ongoing gentrification of areas like Vauxhall will result in a lack of available venues, and that the London events will get watered down.

R: Tell us about your fetish tastes?

Obviously leather and rubber are my main fetishes. Cigars are a great love of mine and I enjoy taking my boy down to Backstreet to serve as my ashtray. Nevertheless, whether it's a fetish club or a regular pub you will always find me smoking a nice stogie. As I get older, I guess I am becoming more of a Daddy and younger guys now hit on me. It's a great compliment and shows how comfortable younger guys feel about themselves. I would never have hit upon a leather daddy when I was in my 20s! Dog training, Master / slave, Daddy / son, and chastity are all up there on my list, but at the end of the day it's the connection between me and the other guy that's the most important thing.

R: What are you attracted to in a fetish man?

Confidence is the main thing I'm attracted to. I like a guy who's is confident in his own skin. The gear a guy wears is nice too, but not as important as a handsome face. Oh and nipples, that is a weakness for me!

If you're interested in being interviewed by Recon, and sharing your fetish experiences, send an email with your username to:

*Photography by Sly Hands