Part one of our two part interview with Featured Member AgentSmith

Part one of our two part interview with Featured Member AgentSmith

from Recon News

10 July 2015

Patrick Smith - AgentSmith – has a lot on his plate at the minute, what with winning three (as we discovered) titles this year so far. Fortunately he took the time out to answer our questions in his usual friendly and open manner. In this part of the interview we discuss his victories, his plans and taking his fetish on the road:

Recon: Congratulations on your double win! Mr LA Leather and the big one, International Mr Leather. How did it feel to win these titles?

AgentSmith: Thanks Will! Actually it's a triple win this year. I'm also Eagle LA Mr. Leather. The way the title system works in LA is that you must have won a lower-level feeder contest before competing at Mr. LA Leather. I started out by winning the Eagle LA title in January, and then went onto Mr. LA and IML from there.
As for how it feels, it really is incredible. I am so humbled that the judging panels from Mr. Eagle all the way up to IML have entrusted me with these titles. It is a great sense of responsibility for me; I believe that title-holders have the opportunity to make a tremendous impact in their communities.

R: Oh wow, ok. Even more impressive. Congratulations once more! Ha
Did you have any idea you might win IML?

AS: Going into the contest I didn't want to take anything for granted, but I was optimistic I could make Top 20, and hopefully have a shot at ending up on the podium. As the weekend went on I started getting more and more positive feedback from the crowd who had been watching me onstage - strangers would come up to me in the hotel and tell me they were rooting for me to win - so I knew there was some momentum there. When my name was called as the winner it was completely mind-blowing. You can't prepare for something like that.

R: What made you decide to enter Eagle LA Mr. Leather?

AS: I decided to start out in the title system because I wanted to give something back. I had been involved in the community for years but only to the extent that I would attend events and parties. I figured it was time for a leadership role because I wanted to have a platform to do something positive.

R: Is your husband proud of being the guy that gets to fuck International Mr Leather? ;)

AS: He is very proud, and yes he has already marked his territory on the sash if you know what I mean.

R: Haha excellent!
So do you have responsibilities with your titles?

AS: While there aren't many mandatory responsibilities with my titles, there is a lot I want to do with them. Of course being visible at community events and judging contests is a top priority, but I also want to visit and support the places in the world where our community still exists on the fringes of society, to see what I can do to help them organize.

R: That definitely sounds like a positive use of your time. That's great.
Will you get to travel around with the title? Where you headed?

AS: I plan on traveling a lot, and as I mentioned, I plan on visiting the places in the world where having a leather contest is only a pipe-dream, because they have so much other work to do and because LGBT people still face persecution there. These are places like the Ukraine, Cuba, and elsewhere that I plan on visiting and supporting.
But of course an IML has to kick back every once in a while, and I cannot wait to visit Europe for Folsom Europe in Berlin among other adventures.

R: We'll be there! So another chance to hang out - we met you in LA, then at CLAW in Cleveland, then at IML. We'll add Berlin to the list!
Do you travel a lot generally?

AS: I do travel a lot - my most recent trip was to Washington, DC. I was on the steps of the Supreme Court when they handed down the ruling striking down same-sex marriage bans as unconstitutional - effectively legalizing marriage equality across the country. It was a historic moment and it was so humbling to be there for it.

R: Yeah, I can imagine. That must've been an incredible moment. It was felt all across the world - I know it was here in London. The fact that it happened the same weekend as so many Prides was brilliant. And you got to be there when it happened!
So have you experienced fetish events outside of the US before? If so, do you have any favourites?

AS: My last international trip was to India, which unfortunately did not have much of a fetish scene in which to take part. I am very excited to experience fetish outside of the US, starting with Berlin in September and throughout Europe thereafter.

R: Do you have any favourite fetish clubs at home or abroad?

AS: I must say that my home bar, Eagle LA, is my absolute favorite leather bar. For anyone reading this who has not done so already, please check it out next time you're in town. The men are incredibly hot, the staff are friendly and they always treat you right.

R: We'll take that top tip!
Were you born and raised in LA? What's your favourite thing about the city?

AS: I was born and raised in Canada, and after 25 years of freezing my balls off I decided to pack up and move to Los Angeles. I'm so happy I chose LA. It's an incredibly diverse city full of opportunity, and the people are fantastic. It has a great leather and fetish scene which culminates every year with Los Angeles Leather Pride. It's a full week of events for our community and caps off with the Mr. LA Leather contest, which is followed by one of the best dance parties you'll ever go to. I really encourage Recon members to check it out at

R: Yeah, definitely. Go take a look, guys! We were there and we had such a good time.
How long have you been a member of Recon for?

AS: It's been two years and many hookups since I've joined Recon ;). Thanks guys for all the fun.

R: Haha I'm sure many guys will be thanking you and your husband themselves.

[Continued next week]