PHOTOS: Another successful Maspalomas Fetish Week!

PHOTOS: Another successful Maspalomas Fetish Week!

from Recon News

03 November 2015

Team Recon returned to Gran Canaria for more fun filled fetish at Maspalomas Fetish Week. We were greeted by rain but that didn't dampen our spirits, or those of the hundreds of men from all around the world who descended on the island!

We began our #MFW15 with the Mr Fetish Gran Canaria 2015 competition, where one of Team Recon (Recon member iamsand) got to join the judging panel. The event was hosted by sexy porn actors Aymeric DeVille and Ale Tedesco - who took part in a horny show later in the week at Full Fetish. After a question round, 10 candidates were whittled down to four finalists. From these four there was one favourite who stood out above the rest – Blue, a personal trainer from Manchester – and he went home with the title. We'll have more from him regarding his experiences as the new Mr Fetish GC soon.

On Friday night we showed our support for our friends at Into The Tank and got ready for the opening play party of the weekend. Check out our Instagram (@reconfetish) to see how Team Recon geared up for mischief.

Saturday was our turn to take centre stage for Full Fetish Gran Canaria at The Bunker. During the day we set about making some changes to the venue, whilst our roving reporter Recon member demandingbottom took over on Twitter (@ReconNews), showing what the team got up to. Set up done, we whizzed over to Tropical LaZona for some much needed pool party action.

As the night drew in, the doors for Full Fetish opened and over 500 horned up guys played the night away. Giving us a taste of what was going on in the dark rooms below, porn actors Kris Kurt and Ale Tedesco flipped and fucked for our onlookers in the upstairs bar. This opened the floodgates for partygoers to play everywhere! Recon member BondageDream set up camp on the staging area tying up the willing and not-so-willing. This was followed up with some hardcore Recon fans being fisted, which then spurred a little play area to the left of the DJ box. Resident London DJ Gordon John was a little hot under the collar, but did a fantastic job and was applauded by the Full Fetish survivors at the end of the night!

Another party down and we're looking forward to heading to the Windy City for Full Fetish Rubber Chicago! Check out the event listing to see who's going.

Have a look at the photo galleries for Maspalomas Fetish Week and Full Fetish Gran Canaria 2015 for all the action!