Recon @ The Boots kicked off an amazing Antwerp Pride weekend

Recon @ The Boots kicked off an amazing Antwerp Pride weekend

from Recon News

18 August 2015

Whenever we head to Antwerp we always have a whole lot of fun, but usually we only get to play for one night at our own party. For this Pride weekend, though, we got to play hard at Recon @ The Boots on the Friday, then indulged in some serious sleaze at A Hard Night on Saturday as well!

We headed over early Friday morning on the Eurostar, meaning that we had a very long day, but we were still going strong in the early hours of Saturday morning – nothing motivates a man quite like dirty fetish action!

The party on Friday built up nicely from when doors opened at 10pm. Guys came pouring in, looking to start their Pride weekend in the most depraved way possible. By 2am there were almost 400 guys getting up to no good, and The Boots had an incredible atmosphere of fun and filth.

There were familiar faces – which is one of the nice things about our parties at The Boots –but there was also a whole load of new blood. There was a really great mix of guys who'd been into kink and fetish for years and guys who it was all quite new to. It made for a night of fun exploration, and some limits were definitely pushed in the play spaces.

We managed to get a bit of sleep then headed out for the Pride parade and celebrations. This was a great chance to catch up with people and to check out all the hot men around. It was then back to the hotel to gear up for A Hard Night.

A Hard Night was held at Petrol, which is a pretty incredible venue. Off the beaten track, it's a vast location, with two large areas, and an outdoors section. One area was set up as the dance floor, then the other was divided into play spaces. Geert had done himself proud by constructing new equipment, and there was so much filthy play going on it was almost impossible not to get instantly hard.

The outdoor section was divided up into a maze and foam area, and many a guy got what they were looking for in the dark and wet!

We had to cut short our Saturday night before the end due to an early train back, but we managed to squeeze in as much fun as possible. The whole weekend was a massive success, and as usual we're chomping at the bit to get back there for our next party on 28 November. See you there!