Recon’s Development Team working with 3D Printing Expert on new ways for you to play

Recon’s Development Team working with 3D Printing Expert on new ways for you to play

from Recon News

01 April 2015

We're always looking to find new ways to master fetish evolution, and an important part of this is investing in new technologies that are going to revolutionise kinky play. Technology such as 3D printers!

Recon is a global network and as such members often meet and connect with other guys from all around the world. Photos and messages are great, and meeting people in far flung destinations is incredible but sometimes images aren't enough and we can't always afford to travel. It's because of such instances that we came across a revolutionary idea: 3D printers – and their ability to print any physical object.

From 13 July 2015 Recon will be trialling a new service whereby you'll be able to scan and send a 3D model of your cock to any other guy on Recon who has access to a 3D printer. The lifelike models will be printed in 100% silicone, so they're safe, washable, and ready for ass play straight off the press!

Should you wish to send a guy a cock, but would rather not send your own, we've also painstakingly recorded the cocks of Team Recon, to offer an incredibly wide range of shapes and sizes in our Recon Penis Database. Just as Team Recon have diverse fetish tastes, they also have an astounding variety of penises, and some of these cocks have to be seen to be believed!

We'll be offering this service at a one off rate, or as a package that will allow you to give and receive multiple cocks at an affordable rate. For more information on pricing, please select the below link.

We believe this unbelievable technology is going to change the face of kinky play, and help to bring cock to guys who live in remote locations or who are possibly in prison. We're not stopping there either! Our next goal is to perfect a system for scanning arseholes, so that 100% active guys can also feel the benefits of this brave new world!