Share your thoughts on fetish through Recon

Share your thoughts on fetish through Recon

from Recon News

05 February 2016

You may have noticed lately that we've been putting out new types of articles on Recon. We decided that we wanted to give a platform to our members, so they could write features or opinion pieces that matter to the fetish community.

We've had a really great response so far, and you can read some of these features by selecting the links below. Now we're putting it out there to see who else would like to get involved?

Do you have a kink you'd like to talk about? Is there an issue that drives you mad on the fetish scene? Do you have a favourite fetish venue or location you'd like to write about? Are there aspects of the fetish life you feel don't get enough attention? Do you have any fetish fiction you'd like to share?

Whatever your topic is, send us an email with your ideas. It doesn't need to be a written piece either, as we'd love to make more video content with our members too. Just let us know your thoughts and we'll go from there.

Address your emails to Will and send them to: