WATCH: Full #FWL2015 video gives a taste of the action

WATCH: Full #FWL2015 video gives a taste of the action

from Recon News

17 September 2015

Unless you were locked away in a dungeon for the past six months, you may have noticed that Fetish Week London 2015 took place back in July. We had an incredible time, and the event was a huge success. We added new strings to our bow with a variety of new events, and the Fetish Week staples all drew great crowds of guys ready to play.

Throughout the week we had photographers Chris Jepson, Brett Schumann and VANEK to capture moments, as well as a member of Team Recon getting handy with a video camera. We got footage from most of the events, and we wanted to put together a video showcasing some of what went on.

Check out the video to get a look at some of the geared up guys in attendance and hints of the kinky play that took place.

Be sure to add yourself to our event listing for FWL2016. We have next year's event scheduled for 10 – 17 July 2016! Get the time booked off work and start planning for what stands as one of the filthiest weeks of the year!