#WorldAIDSDay – GMFA’s videos highlighting HIV stigma on apps

#WorldAIDSDay – GMFA’s videos highlighting HIV stigma on apps

from Recon News

02 December 2015

For this year's World AIDS Day campaign we've chosen to raise money and support for GMFA.

GMFA are a charity founded by gay men who felt HIV prevention campaigns were not addressing them directly. They aim to create awareness and provide information that relates to HIV and the gay community. As part of their mission they've created videos, such as the ones linked below, that examine aspects of living with HIV and the response HIV-positive guys receive from other gay men.

In these videos GMFA asked guys who took part in their 'HIV Stripped Bare' photo shoot to read messages sent to HIV-positive men on gay dating apps. The messages, which were all real, are often horrible, and the responses the guys provide range from funny to angry. Check the video out for yourself by selecting the link below.

Help GMFA in their mission. Support them by going to our campaign page and making a donation. No amount is too small.

*Video content in English